NUbots Robotics Research Group
AI & Robotics Research
Our research focuses on applying intelligent techniques in the Humanoid Soccer domain, and using that domain as a test bed to develop solutions for wider application in other research areas.
NUbots competes yearly in the RoboCup competition, whose ultimate goal is to develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that can win against the human world champions by 2050.
Community Engagement
NUbots engages with the community through events including RoboCup Junior, school visits, public exhibitions, STEM and robotics advocacy, as well as research collaborations with industry.

Welcome to NUbook

NUbook is the NUbots team documentation and handbook. It contains information about the team, our areas of research, publications, and team history; a description of our hardware, software systems and related tools; as well as guides on contributing to NUbots.
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