Introduction to NUbots

Learn about what we do, key people, and where to find the lab.

NUbots is a team in the University of Newcastle’s robotics research group focused on developing humanoid soccer-playing robots for the international RoboCup competition. The team is a multidisciplinary group of students and academics, developing both hardware and software for the robots.

The team conducts and publishes original research in numerous areas related to robotics - including computer vision, robotic locomotion and control, and more. See Areas of Research and Publications for further details.

Two NUgus robots on a field

Key People

The team is led and supported by academics and student team leaders.

  • Associate Professor Stephan Chalup (Computer Science and Engineering) - Head of the Newcastle Robotics Lab and NUbots
  • Dr. Alexandre Mendes (Computer Science and Software Engineering) - Deputy Head of NUbots
  • Ysobel Sims (Mathematics and Computer Science) - Student Co-Team Leader
  • Josephus Paye II (Computer Science) - Student Co-Team Leader
  • Alex Biddulph (Computer Engineering) - Mentor, Ex-Team Leader
  • Dr. Trent Houliston (Software Engineering) - Mentor, Ex-Team Leader

See Current Team for our current team members and Past Members for past members.

The NUbots Lab

The NUbots team works in the Robots and Brain Architecting Lab in ES115A. Feel free to stop by at any time for a tour!

Areas of Research
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