Team History

Written history of the NUbots team.

NUbots have competed in RoboCup every year since 2002.

NUbots have competed in the Four Legged League (2002-2007), the Standard Platform League (2008-2011), the Humanoid KidSize League (2012-2017) and the Humanoid TeenSize League (2018-2019).

NUbots became the Four Legged League world champions in 2006 in Germany. NUbots, in collaboration with the National University of Maynooth from Ireland, won the first Standard Platform League in 2008, as team NUManoid in Suzhou, China.

2021: Online

RoboCup went online in 2021 for all leagues, due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. NUbots participated in the Humanoid KidSize League, which was held using the Webots simulator by Cyberbotics.

Major hardware changes

Because the competition was run virtually in simulation, there were no hardware changes. A robot model with touch sensors on the feet was created for use in the competition.

Major software changes

  • Support for Webots
  • Major fix/improvement of the Unscented Kalman Filter used for odometry
  • Creation of new particle filter for localisation
  • Implementation of new walk engine, the Quintic Walk from team Bit-Bots.
  • Visual Mesh v2
  • NUsight odometry view

Performance and Results

NUbots made it to the quarter-finals of the competition. Overall we played 5 games, won 1, drew 3 and lost 2.

Round Robins54121

2020: Bordeaux, France (cancelled)

The 2020 RoboCup competition was scheduled to occur in the city of Bordeaux in France in June. This was postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, but then cancelled early 2021 due to the ongoing pandemic.

2019: Sydney, Australia

RoboCup 2019 was held in Sydney, Australia.

Major hardware changes

  • Upgraded from CM730 motor controller and IMU to the CM740.
  • Upgraded cameras from FLIR Flea3 to FLIR Blackfly S.

Major software changes

  • Changed from lookup table-based vision with a single-class visual mesh to a multi-class visual mesh for vision.
  • Added localisation, chart, vision and visual mesh display to NUsight2.

Performance and Results

NUbots made it to the quarter-finals of the competition. Overall we played 13 games, won 5, drew 2, and lost 6.

Round Robins13012
Eliminations for Quarter-Finals (Penalty Shootout)31100
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