
NUsight and how to setup your environment to run it.

The NUsight visualisation tool is a web-based visualiser created in-house for the NUbots team, to aid in building and debugging our systems. It provides real-time display of information from other systems using NUClear networking. The data visualised in NUsight may come from real hardware or simulated hardware. The NUsight interface contains multiple tools in various "tabs" with different debugging capabilities. You can get NUsight by following the steps outlined in the Getting Started page.

DashboardDisplays a bird's eye view of the playing field with the robots localised in the field. This section also displays the overall state of all robots.
LocalisationPreviews the robot's pose. The visualisation data can come from a real robot or simulated hardware.
ChartVisualises the stream of data being passed to the robots' sensors.
VisionPreviews the images from the cameras of the robots giving you a robot's eye view.
Visual MeshVisualises the object detection algorithm with the overlay mesh on top of an image.

The 'Select Robots' button in the top right corner enables the display of specific real or simulated robots. This affects all the tabs in NUsight.


NUsight with Dashboard selected. Top half of the screen is a birds-eye view of the field. Contains symbols representing robots, balls, walk paths and kick paths. The bottom half has text specifying the state of each robot.

The Dashboard gives an overview of the state of the robots on the field.

The 'Flip Orientation' button in the top left hand corner flips the playing field to display the mirror image of the previous view of the playing field.

Playing Field

Birds-eye view of the field. Contains symbols representing robots, balls, walk paths and kick paths.

The playing field displays all the robots that are currently connected to NUsight. The yellow rectangle indicates our own goal. The blue rectangle is the opponent's goal.

Dark Green Wedge
Dark green circle with wedge on one end. There is a number on the circle.
The robot's position on the field. Displays the robot's number assigned by NUsight. The wedge indicates the direction of the robot's orientation.
Black Arcs
Black line arcing from a dark green wedge (robot).
Indicates the robot's walk path.
Orange Circle
Orange circle. Straight line connecting it to a dark green wedge (robot).
Indicates where the robot thinks the ball is located.
Green Arrow
Straight green arrow connected at the base to an orange circle (ball)
Indicates how the robot will kick the ball. Usually it should point towards the opponent's goal.

Robot Status Display

Robot Status box. Contains text specifying the various states of the robot.

This area displays the internal status of a robot, for each robot connected to NUsight. It shows the robot's name, connection status, battery level and the internal state of the robot.

  • Mode - Displays the current stage of the game
  • Phase - Displays the current phase of the current game mode
  • Behavior - Displays what the robot is currently doing
  • Penalty - Displays the penalty incurred by the robot, if any
  • Walk Command - Displays the forward/backward velocity, left/right velocity and rotation rate of the robot, in that order.
  • Camera, Ball and Goal Icons
    • Flash Orange - a new packet is received
    • Red Outline box - Indicates that a long time has passed since the last packet of data was received.
    • Greyed Out - Inactive


Localisation tab. Shows a 3D scene with a soccer field and NUgus robots.

The localisation view shows a 3D model of any connected robots with their position and orientation on the field. It is interactive and can be used with the following commands:

wMove forward
sMove backward
aStrafe left
dStrafe right
SpaceSwitch between Free Camera, First Person or Third Persion view
Right mouse clickIn first or third person, switch between robots


Chart tab. Shows a coordinate plane with multiple graphs plotted, each with different colours.

The chart view shows a coordinate plane with a variable graphed against time. Multiple graphs can be overlayed on top of each other.

Line Chart/2D ScatterSwitch between a line chart or a scatter plot to represent the data on the chart. Currently the scatter plot is unsupported.
Right PanelSelect specific datapoints from specific robots to be plotted on the chart. Also allows for changing the color of a line on the chart.
Minimum/Maximum ValueSet the chart's plotting boundaries.
View SecondsThe amount of seconds shown in the chart at any given time. This can be thought of as how 'zoomed in' the chart is in the x-axis.


Vision tab. Shows a square box with an image. The image has coloured lines overlaying it, respresenting where the robot thinks there are goal posts. A horizon line spans across the middle of the image horizontally.

The vision tab shows any images received from the robot/s. It shows the images in the order in which they are received. Each image has a drop down menu with toggles for different features. These features are from the vision system. They are

  • Raw image
  • Compass
  • Horizon
  • Visual Mesh
  • Green horizon
  • Balls
  • Goals

Visual Mesh

Visual Mesh in action

This section displays image/s from the robot's camera and applies a mesh overlay on to the image from the Visual Mesh object detection algorithm. Whereas the vision tab gives the final post-processed vision data, the Visual Mesh tab shows the raw data from the Visual Mesh.

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